Term 2 reflection!

-Term 2 reflection-

My highlights of term 2 was the Tahuna Sports Exchange. It was a lot of fun to compete in. Even though we lost by 7 shots, i still really enjoyed playing. The team we played were very good, they also had a few Otago rep players that added to their skill. It was a challenging game but i think our team pulled through and did very well! I also enjoyed umpiring and playing netball on Saturdays, it is always a lot of fun!

This term i have improved in my math's heaps! Mrs.Garret has definitely helped me improve. I have learnt a lot in the geometry learning centre. I certainly had no clue about how to calculate the value of angles or how to use construction lines .etc but now I'm really good at it! One of my challenges this term was keeping calm with frustrating situations and reading every night. That was one of my goals for term 2 and surprisingly i achieved it!

I very much disliked how we have sat at the same desk for 2 whole terms (half a year!) . We definitely should swap more often! I need to work on not talking as much during work time and staying more focused!

By Maia : )


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